Tuesday, September 8, 2009

What Inspired Me Today?

As I was laying there on the traction table listening to the numbing noise of the machine, pulling, holding and releasing the tension on my neck I started thinking that it seemed to be taking longer to get through the minute and 20 second rotation of the therapy. The more I thought about it, the more I stressed about it, the longer it took. It seemed as though the tech had set the rotation timer wrong due to the lengthy turnover. A constant tapping caught my attention just above me on the curtain that separated me and another poor soul conducting their therapy. The tapping was the ring at the top of the curtain being nudged back and forth by the air circulating through the vents. I began tapping my finger on the therapy table in tune with the sound of the ring and made a clicking noise with my tongue, closed my eyes and started to relax. All the attention I was giving to the machine was pulling my attention to the cruel and unusual punishment deemed upon me by my own accord! You are what you think, you are what you feel and your emotions. Take hold of them, hold them dear and be inspired by them.

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